

To manage the valuables in hospitality sector like hotels, hospitals and other such locales the cctv surveillance based video analytics software is highly effective in preventive in thefts , fraud detection and other unscrupulous elements’ eventualities. These are integral in any public places where there is a lot of commerce generated every day.


Educational Institutions

Yet another hotspot for bad elements to create chaos is in educational institutions with focus around entire campus like the vocational areas, hostels and also eatery areas, So it avoid the prevention of any abusements. Installing video surveillance becomes very essential.



Movement of people suspicious activity in places that are travel junctions like bus-stations, railway stations, airports, boat houses, harbors and the likes. Vantage points capture locations are essential to capture events that can happen in split second and that can leave a big trail of crime. Installing a video surveillance here is mandatory.



Merchandise movement is the easiest place for pilferage and that can cause losses to businessmen and this is an area that needs the surveillance software of utmost importance because the goods that yet to be sold are the ones that can be stolen and pawned off by miscreants for their personal gains. Installing the video surveillance is worth it.


Shopping Centers

Dynamically moving population day in and out in malls, smaller shopping complexes and other stores need to have a constant vigil to record events that can throw up information of thefts , fraud detection and misbehavior among people to thwart any attempt of harm that can be created. Shop lifters are very common be it in a developed nation or otherwise.


Public Places

Other public places like the places of worship, gathering of people in community centers, parks, recreation areas, beaches and on the roads and streets in busy shopping downtowns in metros and other towns are places of high possible crime bastions. These are needed to be kept under contant vigil by a video surveillance system.